Saturday, November 9, 2019

How was your day at work, mother?

Maliya said to me, Mrs. Jayne I hugged you every day this week, when I was at home.  I thought about you every day, she was saying.  I had a Grandma whose hug was so memorable that it came back to me after she had died.  If that is what she left me it is so much more important to me than the money that she scrupulously saved to give me.  I am far more grateful for the real inheritance of a memorable hug to pass on to the little ones in my care.  The knowledge that there is somebody in this world who loves you enough to give you the access to them. 
I have grown to love these children.  I assert that loving instruction is a brain development tool and that the only thing that separates our children from robots is the emotional element of the instruction of their minds and souls.  Keep hugging me remotely Maliya.  I am hugging you too!

I know you don't mind sharing your mother:})

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