Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Onward and Upward!

Spring of Eighth Grade Year

Monday, June 10, 2013

Just don't call me late for supper!

Where is Ethan? We are praying over dinner and someone special to me is not here.

Where is Ethan? He was indisposed. You were indisposed, but it is sad to me to think that you would not be with us around the table, if you were in the house at dinner time.

We prayed again, when you came to us, some ten minutes into the meal. Be there, my dear boy. You are a special and dear part of our family and a needed participant in our beseeching God for His blessings. It is a blessing to participate in the family with you as a part of our lives. Later on, you burnt your finger and it was a pain for you. I sympathize with your pain and it really hurts my heart that you are hurt. I do hope that you realize that the pain in my heart for your burn is not as bad as the pain in my heart for you missing the prayer over the food together. We come to God very rarely in the day as a family and it is around the table. As we traverse the earth, our time together will be a memory in our minds for longer than we are together. These times of unified prayer are a treasure and a communion with God that you will never see in the same dynamic again, even if you have a family of the same size. I don't want you to miss what heritage God has left for you. It is a spiritual privilege. Keep it and treasure it and be at the table in Heaven, with the real determination of soul.

I'm gonna sit at the banquet table, one of these days
Be There.