Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Whose Birthday is it?

Ethan-- strong- second wisest in the kingdom of Solomon--eg. Psalm 89---
I will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord Forever
James supplanter---Brother of the Lord, Brother of John the Revelator, Disciple and Elder of the Church. Nicknames--Ethan, James, Montgomery, Isaac, Neutron, Walker. We have tucked all of our wishes for you into your names and it is for you to unpack the meanings and pray these prayers into your own soul for your profit and encouragement in the Kingdom of Christ. We love you and expect great things for you and in you. Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Why do we celebrate the fourth of July?

We honor the traditions that were handed to us as an extension of the commandment to honor our father and mother.  Not because we can't see the reality of our hypocrisy and that of our parents, but because, by faith we are holding on to history, praying for God to come to us and cleanse our attempts at making one out of many.   Can we be unified in anything?  Can we be one person?  Can we be one family?  Can we be one city, state, country?  God can help us abide, on earth with some semblance of unity and love.

13 is a time where mother and father's inconsistencies seem all that you can see.  Pray for us, son.  Learn the lessons of honoring from God.  Learn the reality of the "well with you" promise. 

Great is God's faithfulness.  Our faithfulness and all of the institutions that we believe in on earth are flawed imitations of the one true and living God.  He is faithful and true.  If you take all of the institutions of the earth and put them together, they would still all have holes in them and be flawed.   We attempt to put the pieces of a fallen world, back together, as God has given us stewardship to uphold and occupy until His return.  In the meantime, we celebrate the baton passed to us, by our forefathers.  We lament and repent for our sins and the sinful handling of our parts of the puzzle.  We celebrate any level of unity that can be gleaned by the effort of being one nation under God.  Happy Fourth!