Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Another Charrette, to write a sentence? :)

I love the amount of time that you take talking about something and the amount of time that you take completing it. If you talked about it a little less and wrote a little more, we would have been alright with this one. 5 paragraphs? 2 hours the most? How about 8 hours! I do love wrestling language out of you talking walkers. What do I say? What do I say about it? I said this and this and this. You said 500 paragraphs about the terrier. Let's boil the water and boil it down to only 5 paragraphs. Which ones? Which paragraphs? Mom, just because I said that doesn't mean it goes into the project. Why not? You are late. I am learning about you through these inconveniences. I am learning which paragraphs in the Walker word store, you will lose and which you will keep. No, mom, I can't say that. Why? You said it a hundred times to me. Because!
Because, means I don't understand that there are rules that the teacher laid down and the million words that he used to describe the terrier, don't make the cut. Okay! Make the cut already. I stand on the sidelines and watch the words run by Ethan and he is making the last cut, here and there. This goes, this stays. A tedious process for Walkers. I can see why now, with my 5th one wrestling with me. They are players and some of them look good and some of them sound good, but only the best will get into the 5 paragraphs. I could not imagine that philosophy when I was helping Ben, or Elyse, or any of the other Walkers, here and there. Ethy speaks my language and is comfortable enough to tell me the difference. Pick that one, I say. No! There has to be an argument, or it isn't worth the effort. Last minute ditch effort or not, there will be a fight. I am learning to love the wrestle.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ethan, the Ezrahite? "I will sing of the mercies of the Lord, Forever!"

I loved how you were listening to the word of God, last night, son of my womb. Immediately, you turned to find Zachariah, upon hearing his name brought up, in the book of Ezra that we were studying. That is thinking. That is reasoning. How come, Zechariah is way back there and Ezra is way up here? I love it. Keep the questions coming. The God who delivers and opens our minds to know Him, has encapsulated His heart and lovesong to us and we have access to God, by grace and through the blood of Jesus. Keep finding out about Him. He is eternal and we will never learn too much about Him.
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet...

Holy Bible, Book divine,
Precious treasure, thou art mine:
Mine to tell me whence I came,
Mine to teach me what I am;

Mine to chide me when I rove,
Mine to show a Saviour's love;
Mine thou art to guide and guard,
Mine to punish or reward;

Mine to comfort in distress,
Suff'ring in this wilderness;
Mine to show, by living faith
Man can triumph over death;

Mine to tell of joys to come
And the rebel sinner's doom:
O thou holy Book divine,
Precious treasure, thou art mine.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 3 of Spring Break.

Yesterday was watering day and look, Crepe Myrtle has gotten her leaves.
All at once, overnight she has bloomed. Some people are like that. I think that you are a spring bloomer. What a good reader and an inquisitive fellow you are. Don't stop blooming, because of discouragement or unbelief. Keep stretching your mind and eye to the sky, like crepe myrtle does and you will see things and learn things and see more of God the more that you study.