Friday, August 2, 2019

What's Up?

Our Democracy hangs or falls on the premise of coming to a consensus on any number of issues.

Consensus is not always agreement.  Consensus demands negotiation.  Sometimes the media guides us through the minefields of the development of consensus, using inflammatory language such as attack, when disagreements become escalated.  That is not attack.  That is spirited discussions.  We would be remiss to allow the loudest voices and the most masterful articulations be the only voices involved in developing consensus.

Not unlike the difference between the pressure that we must put on a pencil or a crayon and the pressure that you must put on a stylus to create an impression on a page; is the difference between the generations in negotiating tactics.  We are completely wrong if we discount the strong and loud measure of a voice like VAVOOM, just because he is loud.  Conversely the measured and thought out response of, lets say a Beto ORourke mustn’t be discounted because he is not yelling at his audience and uses the communication style of a Millenial.

I see his popularity, although sometimes the site sourcing eludes me.

I totally understand the stammering of an elder statesman like Biden and the rantings of a man like Trump.

They are clearly the attempts to test the sand that their feet are on.  Who is hearing me?  They are saying.  We would be lessened to discount their leadership styles, because we can’t relate to their communication styles.  Language has changed from a time where slurs of speech were accepted to a time where no critique of a person is allowed if you are different from that person in anyway.

Carrying the consciences of people is complicated!