Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We are His people

the sheep of his pasture. God feeds us daily, with new mercies and new ingredients into our lives he pours to make us who he wants us to be.
God is in charge of what you are to do and to be and even these disappointments can, by His grace, be used for His glory and for your good.
Study hard, my boy! Find those holes in your mind like 8x4 and 2+3 and fill them with the information and see what God will do with them...

Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) had a very negative view of youth, as we sometimes do who can't keep up with the youthful enthusiasm. He wrote to the curiosity of the pleasures of sin for a season and what they can afford or not. Learn, listen and use the gifts of humor and reasoning to reason with your generation for good.
He wrote under the pen name of Mark Twain and as the second book on the order of the gospel of Mark he did all to tell us what Jesus is not about. He is right. Jesus is not about that. Encourage the good and overcome evil with good!

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