Saturday, July 29, 2023

If you ain't MUCHU?

On the subject of Muchu:

If you ain’t Muchu, you ain’t “suchu”!

I like your attention to detail on the subject of books on Muchu.  You know that is not really my interest base, except for the fact that it interests you.  What is my interest is the investment of information, buying books and adding to your information base; both for entertainment and for employ or usefulness.   

Some people think the acquisition of info is just for the making of money.  We are those who are made in the image of God and that means that each person is desirous to reach toward infinity in their chosen field of study.  The dark ages of the internet has muddied the water of knowledge to deceive us into letting another device hold the information while we have fun.  That is not healthy, to put it mildly.  The mind must be daily sharpened by rigorous daily activity and practices.  Just like the body, the mind must be exercised.  I enjoyed learning about an artist, with whom I had no real exposure to before, although he is a major part of your life.  I love that you were jealous for him in his being accurately and thoroughly depicted.   Maybe that is your job, or your mission.   I challenge you to use my ignorance on the subject to educate me, please?


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