Thursday, September 9, 2010

This morning the drama was about money.

This middleschooler will make a good, used car salesman. Its only 20 dollars for the cards they are selling. We don't have to buy them, we can sell them? Right mom? It started yesterday. I had hardly gotten in the door when, my happy middleschool boy came at me with a paper. I said what I always say. Don't come at me with anything to read or sign for at least 15 minutes or until after my nap;) LOL. He wouldn't be daunted. Its only the paper for school. We owe 15 dollars for the lost book, we owe 3 dollars for the field trip and... this. Just put it down and I will get to it, erelong. They know, by now, that ere long is just that...ere long. Evie came and plopped on my bed and I tried to dislodge her from my body, but it was to no avail, she was going to be there until whatever it was was off her chest. {Why don't they make cribs for teenagers?} On and on, about this and that. New exercises in PE and how her hair will not behave and what is she going to do, if she doesn't get this or that... and the phone rang. It was the Middle school, thank you, the Principal called to read the white paper to me over the phone, How great is that! Now I don't have to use my brain. Oh, is that what all that fuss about the white paper was about, all the while Evie is turning blue holding her breath about the shoe crisis and the bus and something or other{thank God, nothing about any boys was in the mix}. I was glad for an adult voice over the phone to break up the teentalk. I do love it, I just needed a little time to get acclamated to the intensity. I played the phone call 3x. Ev was rolling her eyes and then we hung up. We made fun of the principal's voice for a few minutes and... the phone rang again. It was the Highschool principal, this is news for a teenager. Yippee, this is important mom, are you listening? Are we going to the football game? Do you think my friends will be there? Is there anything else more important than the football game? NO! That is enough. Why didn't you play the message 3 times like you did the other one? Now back to the news of the day...{I do love mothering a gadabout} The other Highschooler is more on the order of myself. I wouldn't know a thing about his life, if he hadn't a gregarious baby sister to newscast for him. I get back what I gave to my mother. Jayne, what happened today at school, "nothing". That is my Enoch. His mother's son. I'd better check on him, though, it is a little too quiet for the first month of school.
Evie and I were just in the middle of a playful kickfight when Dad, Ben came in to call a meeting. The crescendo of the evening. Anyway, this blog is about my middleschool boy and the tales he keeps me going with. I just love the way teenagers seem to take over the middleschool mothering project. I will watch for that.
Ethan made it to the bus and on time too.;)

Friday, September 3, 2010

MiddleSchool, Learning to decide?

Do you want cereal for breakfast? No, I want eggs. I made eggs today, for you. Before you ate the eggs, you wanted the cereal again. I gave you a couple of times to make that decision.
Everything is up for discussion. I don't mind discussing. I just want you to realize that you have to stand by your decisions, in the little and in the large. I really see what my father said about his relationship between self control and maternal care. What good is a mother? A mother forces the issue, of decision. If you are going to make your mother slave over a hot "microwave" for a whole 2 minutes, you'd better eat those eggs. This is a picture of everything you do in life. Reason from the lesser to the greater. That is the birth of circular reasoning. When the nation is full of princes it is under a curse. Everybody having total self determination and not sensitizing themselves to the care of mother, sucks the life out of a nation or people group. People who ride their mommies to an early grave depleats the land of the greatest creature comfort. You don't do that!