Monday, February 8, 2010

Respect Your Elders!
This is Black History Month

Who is...

Frederick Douglass

What are we free to do? We are free to serve the Lord. God set us free. From from the bondages of slavery, free from the lacks of civil rights. So that we can show the abundance of the appreciation for the freedoms that we enjoy. Why are you dancing? God has set us free. God has delivered us from shackles of bondage. Bondage to human oppressions. Bondage to self made limitations. Can you legislate ignorance? Can you keep a human from using his God given mental ability? Can you limit people in their bodies or minds? God knows.
He whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

It is truly a shame, that those whose lives and hearts and minds were spared from the sea and ankles and wrists, delivered from the shackles of oppression; if we should take our shackles and link ourselves to ignorance, after this. To whom much is given, much is required. Much liberty, much responsibility. Much sense of gratitude because of the great deliverances from God, much responsibility to use those freedoms to glorify Him. What if the Jews had continued in idolatry, after having been delivered from the slavery to Egypt? Judgement! God said, He would kill them. Moses interceded for them. God has done great things for us, whereof we should be glad.

It is Black History Month, my son. It is time to remember that God has delivered us, into the sunshine of His Love. Into the sunshine of a redeemer, not just for our bodies, but for our souls. Not just a physical deliverance from the shackles of our arms and legs, but the shackles of our hearts and minds and souls. We are God's handiwork. We were blessed with a history of many who have contributed to shine the light.
Frederick Douglass- an advocate for education and mental acumen. Sharpen your mind and make full use of your faculties!

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