Friday, March 20, 2009

Once upon a Time in the land of sugar cubes

lived a froggy king named Zargon. Zargon lived in a sugar cube castle with his wife, Zalmuzzia and his 25 pollywogs lived in the mote outside the castle. The pollywogs would oneday inhabit the castle, but they had to receive their landlegs, as they called it. So, during this season it was only Zargon and Zalmuzzia, who lived in the castle together.

They would hire a great many frogs and toads to take care of the grounds and their needs, so that they could attend to their pollywogs. They were the educators and caretakers of the pollywogs and were convinced that a happy and productive set of pollywogs would be a happy and productive new generation.

What they did, was akin to doting on the pollywogs. Zalmuzzia would catch the flies in her special fly catching net and daily cook them to perfection, before serving them in creative and health conscious dishes at the table just outside her kitchen door. The pollywogs were kept fit by a personal coach, who forced, continued lapswimming and water leaping, upon them and kept tabs of the calorie content of each of Zalmuzzia's meals; to ensure that health was, first and foremost, the consideration at the kitchen table.

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