Judges who judge by the "rule of law" vs judges who judge based on the constitution.
The chosen smoke screen to subtly make ridicule of those judges who regard life and create a distinction without using terms like pro choice. They change the vocabulary regularly and they create conversations which are so tedious to decipher and then sell us that we are undereducated and need to have a degree to enter the conversation. Hogwash. Our determination to forsake all to rear our children does not disqualify us from entering the forum of discussion regarding our convictions and how they should or will be publicized and rerouted for public consumption. Because we hold our convictions tightly and seek to live by them, doesn't mean that we are incapable of arguing our points. The gov of the people, by the people, for the people doesn't exclude people of conscience. We are the preservative of our culture and our for fathers gave us the means of inclusion and sharpening of convictions in the public square. God give us the gumption, fortitude and vocabulary to take captivity captive, in and about life and life preservation on both sides of the argument, elder and fetal....