God is committed to winning little princes and princesses, just as much as a tiny Tim... God bless us everyone!
Do we pray for those who have much of this worlds goods?
Jesus didn't say it is hard for a rich man because he hates them...
Jesus didn't talk about a rich man and Lazarus because he is angry with the rich. He wants the rich to have corrective vision to the real needs around them. They are his tool to show mercy and grace on the earth. But if they refuse to show mercy it is a very sad expression and some poor people's faith may be subverted because there is nothing for them to see Gods mercy in. There is no mirror for that part of Gods goodness to be seen.
David saw that he was imitating God's shepherding care. Many see authority in their immaturity as one up man-ship. We all need care, some have stuff and some have faith and some have abilities to share. Culture is the way we reflect the outworking of our unity and need meeting with oneanother.
God uses the royals to teach us the beauty of living humble and free with every advantage. We pray that their souls wouldn't be lifted up. We pray that, like a pulley our outworking of our likeminded faith would exalt us all to reflect the image of Christ in our varied circumstances.
Jesus came, one Holy Night, to teach us the worth of the human soul. No other royal had the every advantage that He had. No other royal had unhindered access to God, unlimited access to every angel and even the wind and the waves to command. He alone could pay the price for the human soul. Some of us have words to pay to make others understand the Gospel. Others of us have varied skills to reflect Him. Many of us wonder what we have to render to the Lord for all of His benefits to us...
We must take the cup of salvation, form the greatest to the least of us. And call upon the name of the Lord... We must sing of His faithfulness. We must harmonize our gifts with each other to the best of our ability so that no soul goes unreflected upon.
SOS is more than a call for help in a time of dire need. Save Our Souls is something we must be ever aware of the timidity of the needy to cry out to their fellow sojourners. Show me Jesus in the way you honestly reflect His truth. It's not about talk. NOT JUST WHAT YOU SAY!
The rich man's eyes were not paying attention to a near need that was being unmet. "Just shoo the dogs away from his sores". Am I Aware of the needs about me. Am I shooing the dogs and taking up the care of those who are even right in my eyeshot? Or am I too good to help someone so scarred and sore, from life's hurts. Are they still crying from that beating? Are they still suffering from that long term sad estate? You teach yourself not to see the SOS sign after a while. You step right over your Lazarus and think what you have to do is much more important than to shoo those dogs away from the sufferer.