A stuffy nose and an achey body are often a winter reason for missing school. My usually ambitious scholastic young man, says, mom, I am sick. Can't go to school. I say Okay. I don't question, when it is such a rarity.
We sometimes say, don't you want to take off today and you say, no way!
I love that spirit.
I would be on the train with piles of snow shaking the bridge.
One day, I was on the J train on the Brooklyn Bridge and the people were shoveling the tracks as we were going through. The bridge was shaking so hard, I thought it was going to collapse, with all of us on it. That is the New York ambition. North Carolina submits to the providence of God, in humility. It is to say, God you are the boss and you called a time out and we gladly take the time to look at what is at home that we must work on. I love learning that.
I missed so much of what was happening at home, while I was chasing the Brooklyn Bridge. You can't bring those days back.
Feel better!