Saturday, July 18, 2015

Blessings of growth at 16 years old.

I am sure that you could elucidate far more than I, what the benefits of being 16 and tall and all of the wonderful things that you are. I am just going to say "Thank You, Lord for such a precious and gracious and sweet son!" I can't say much more than that.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

5 Days to 16, we've got the Junior...

On our Side?
It seems like yesterday that it was 10 days to 9. Today it is 5 days to sixteen. You have so much creativity and imagination that you are blooming these days that I am excited to see you learning and growing and ready to use your creativity for good. This is the countdown to a major milestone and we are rooting for you, son. Keep up the good work!